Basic Syntax of C Language Tutorial -5

We have already discussed basic structure of C program . So i hope you all have gained sufficient knowledge about it.

Today i will discuss about Basic Syntax of C program that will help to build up a program .
so lets go start.

Tokens : 
A token is either a keyword,string,identifier,a symbol or a constant. in a program we need lots of C tokens that can build up a program.


Printf("C tokens");
return 0;

here total 8 individual C tokens have used. they are
"C tokens "

Semicolons :

Semicolons represent in program that statement terminator . after every particular line ending will be with semicolons.
example printf("hello");


Comments represent that thing you want to comment a line in particular position for user understanding and program understanding. but that line will not shown in output and will not run into compiler that known as comment. example //this is our first programming . // write something here ,  / * write some thing here*/

Identifier :

Identifier represent the name that use to identify variable,function,or user defined item. it can be character,underscore,a to z .
but it can not be @ $ # etc

keywords that represent in a program some builtin function that use in c program . they are

int                      float
double               long int
switch               if
else                   auto
break                for
while               default
goto                 continue
return              union
signed            unsigned
do                  const
char               void
case               static

thank you everyone for being with us. see you soon in next topics . best of luck Happy Coding .

Basic Syntax of C Language Tutorial -5 Basic Syntax of C Language Tutorial -5 Reviewed by Saroar Zahan Sojib on February 27, 2019 Rating: 5

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